Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Recap

When I was growing up we always waited until dark to go trick or treating. I guess with this thing about pushing day lights saving time until first Sunday of November has changed things a little. Anyway, we waited until it was almost dark so we didn't get started until about 7 pm. The kids were beside themselves excited. It took Julia all of about two houses for her to catch on to the program. Between Claxton's charm and her sweet innocence, the two together made out like bandits.

Ready for Top Gun

Cute as can bee!

Waiting patiently on Mom to take more pictures...

Got our lights, let's go

Oh brave one...

Julia's two favorite things are puppies and babies and can spot either of them a mile away, so when we arrived here she really thought she hit the jackpot!

Checking out the goods

After all the trick or treating fun was over, we called Grammy and Grandpa so they could see the kids in their costumes. Claxton confidently informed them that we would be going trick or treating again the next night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow that is quite a haul, those kids should be running for days!