I admit that I have never been a morning person. I think my mom always tried to make me into one, but the truth is I'm just not wired that way. Never will be. Last week I had to make a trip to Athens and left the house at 5:45 a.m. Yikes, that was hard for me. Today, to ensure I'd be able to vote (because I was not about to take a 3 year old and a 20 month old with me and Brian had to catch an early afternoon flight, plus not knowing how long the wait would be I had to go early) the alarm went off much earlier than I ever desire. So I left the house with coffee and magazine in hand at 6:30 a.m. and was done by 8:40 a.m., plenty of time for Brian to still be able to do everything he needed to before heading to the airport. And go figure, when I left the polls there was hardly a line, so I didn't need to get up at o'dark thirty this morning after all. On the drive home I just kept telling myself how wonderful it was to stand there with all those other folks who all came out to exercise the priviledge to vote. Yep, that's what I kept telling myself. I did notice that most were dressed quite differently than me today. I in my sweats and sneakers; they in their office attire. Made me reminisce a little from what was my life just a few short years ago when I got up at o'dark thirty five days a week, just like the majority of those I know do. And I know I only have another couple of years to enjoy not having to rise so early in the morning. Being a sahm to preschoolers certainly has its perks, doesn't pay much at least monetarily speaking, but yeah for the perks!
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