Thursday, November 6, 2008

Conversation during dinner

Me to Claxton: "Tell me about class today."
Claxton: "We played and went to art."
Me: "Did you have a story today?"
Claxton: "Yes."
Me: "What was it about?"
Claxton: "A baby."
Me: "Really, who was it? And was there anyone else around?"
Claxton: "Baby Jesus, and Mary, and Joseph too. Baby Jesus was sleeping on hay. And there were animals there and they liked the hay too."
Me: "Good memory. "
Claxton: "Yeah, and there were two Joseph's."
Me (looking puzzled now): "Are you sure there were two?"
Claxton: "Yes, I'm sure. He had a rainbow coat, his brothers threw him in a hole and ripped his coat. He was very sad."
Me (remembering that he had learned that story a month or so ago): "You are right. There are two different Joseph's, but each has a different story. So, what happened to Joseph after his brothers threw him in the hole?
Claxton: "They sold him as a slave." (at least that's what I thought I heard)
Me: "Do you know what a slave is?"
Claxton: "No, Mom, not a slave. It's a sleeve."
Brian (piping in with laughter): "No, not a sleeve, that's silly. This is a sleeve. (pointing to his shirt sleeve).
Claxton (0bviously over this discussion): "Oh, that is a sleeve. Can I please be excused now?"

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