None the less, it's a fun and exciting time as we watch her grow and observe her personality developing. She has already discovered the art of manipulation. She loves the Gerber puffed star snacks. When she's in her highchair and has eaten all that's on the tray, the squealing starts. When we try to feed the real meal to her, she shuts her mouth tight. A crowbar couldn't get it open. But put a star back in front of her and she's as pleased as pie. Not a good sign of things to come. But I admit that for now anything to stop the shrilling works for us.
Have I mentioned what a fantastic roller she is? Quicker than you can even imagine especially when it's time for a diaper change. If she's not doing any of the aforementioned things, then she may be trying to put either her hands or feet in her mouth, playing with her toys, watching Claxton, and sometimes even playing with him these days. Of course we've now reached the stage that when Julia touches something of his even though he's not playing with it, he immediately becomes interested in it again.
We've been blessed with her for eight months already and it's going just too fast. I already miss the tiny baby stage, yet am enjoying this stage equally as much. She's our sweet brown-eyed angel.
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