Monday, March 24, 2008


We have been asking Claxton for some time what he dreamed at night. Normally, he looks around and "sees" what he dreamt about - a toy, Daddy, Mommy, Julia, etc. And normally every morning we wake to screaming from the other end of the house "Here I am Daddy. MOMMY, HERE I AM." This signifies it's time to get Claxton up.

This morning was different. There was no screaming, so I figured Claxton was still sleeping. But since we had swimming lessons today, I went into to get him up. He was not sleeping as I expected. In fact, he was standing in the corner of his crib looking at me very sad.

"Yes Claxton."
"What Claxton?"
"What is it Claxton, what's wrong?"
"My swing set. It's broken. Bentley {one of his best friends in the world} broke my swing set."
"When did that happen?"
"Last night. While it was dark. Daddy can you fix it? My swing set is broken. Bentley broke it."
"Claxton, Bentley didn't break your swing set. He wouldn't do that."

I quickly picked him up and took him into the guest bedroom. I opened the shutters and told him to look at the swing set, it's not broken. A smile came across his face... and then quickly disappeared. A look of confusion then appeared.

"But he broke it. The ladder. He broke my swing set."
"Claxton, it was only a dream. It wasn't real. It was like when you pretend."

Claxton remained perplexed all day, trying to reconcile the situation. But one thing is for sure Claxton just had his first dream - first that he remembered anyway.

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