Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sweet Girl is Eleven Months Old

Where the heck does the time go? Julia is eleven months old already. She is an adorably happy little girl, minus the squealing that occurs from time to time of course. I'm sure she's just making sure that she's heard and that we have not forgotten about her. Her vocabulary includes "mmmommma" and "da da". She understands kiss and gives them freely. When she wants cheerios, she just squeals...and gets them. It's easy to get a smile out of her and it is beautiful. She still only has two teeth although it seems like the teething process is never ending, but no other teeth have appeared yet. She hasn't met a fruit that she won't eat, yet on the other hand it is rare that she will eat cereal and absolutely will not eat green vegetables. We have not given up on those yet, we camouflage them often to make sure she's getting them. She loves her big brother and her little face just lights up when he comes into the room. She's cruising and we are expecting her to walk at any time, although she has absolutely no problem getting to wherever she wants to go. And everything goes to her mouth so we have to watch her closely with anything on the floor or around some of Claxton's toys. To top it off, she is speedy gonzalez, so we are forever chasing after her and getting things out of her mouth. And can't imagine life without her. We are just so blessed and thankful to have her in our family.

We were watching Claxton and Julia playing on the floor together a couple of days ago. For the most part he plays pretty well with her, except when he's having one of his moments. But we both noticed that it's not going to be long before she is able to fend for herself. I already hate it for Claxton when that day comes. I think it's only going to take one or two times for her to whip him in shape, and then he will be bowing to her every whim. She is sweet, but she is also determined and a little headstrong. When we take her for her 1-year checkup, I'm fully expecting our pediatrician to tell us that she is going to be a more strong-willed child than he's predicting Claxton to be. Boy are we in for a great ride for the next 18 years or so.

Just look at those beautiful curls...

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