And so it is. We had big plans to spend the first weekend in January organizing, re-arranging a room or two, decluttering, etc, etc, in an effort to start 2008 off with great orderly fashion. We had a plan of attack. A plan which quickly got derailed. Three of the four of us managed to catch a nasty cold. We took the kids to the doctor only to be informed that they have the preliminary stages of Bronchiolitis. The doc said Julia will probably be clingier and want to be held more than normal. This in fact has been true. He also said we should not allow Claxton to run around too much as it would further irritate the situation. Thankfully we are just coming off Christmas where he received 3 or 4 new DVD's. I think we've seen "Cars" at least ten times this past week. As we were about to leave the doctor's office he told us to be prepared for a very long January. Thanks Doc.
I'm now looking around at all the things I wanted to get done and see how none of it has even been touched. I had visions of all the fun organizational baskets/containers and gadgets that I would so enjoy purchasing and placing in just the right places. Instead, we are now the proud news owners of not one mind you, but three humidifiers. One for each kids room and one for me.
We are on the mend now so we'll see how expeditiously we can execute our plan. I'm hopeful to accomplish everything I had wanted to do by the end of the month. Some of these projects should have been done a long time ago right after we moved in this house. But babies came along and priorities changed. So between changing diapers, feeding the kids, reading to and playing with the kids, laundry, running errands, etc, etc I am determined not to put these projects off any more. I am striving to be more organized in 2008.
When you are fourteen...
9 years ago
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