The weather was wonderful here on Friday and we spent three hours at the park with our playgroup. There are five little boys who are all 3-years old plus Julia. We were the only ones at the park for about the first hour, then another mom with a 3-year boy came on scene. It only took a few moments until he joined in playing with the other boys. At one point things suddenly got really, really loud and all of us mom's turned to see what was going on. Words that came to my mind were primitive, savage, barbaric. Six little boys running, chanting, screaming, some beating their chests, some had swords (aka sticks), just being boys, just having the time of their lives. We moms just stood and stared, when at last the one mom that we did not know said, "we really don't teach this at home, I don't know how or where he learned this from." The rest of laughed and told her not to worry. A few of us mom's with boys have finally gotten that our little boys are by nature going to do things that we never even imagined doing. Julia was not part of this tribal community, why of course she was strolling her babies. And once or twice I saw her stop and stare, I'm quite certain she was thinking that these boys must be from another planet. Who on earth would behave like this?