There are advantages to Brian working from home these days. It gives us the opportunity to go out in the middle of the week and do some fun things as a family rather than on the weekends when ten billion other people are out too. So this week we made several trips to the pool. Claxton is doing very well and not afraid of the water at all. If anything he and his dad make me a little too nervous. It's really not good for my health, but I try very hard to refrain from saying anything. I'm learning that boys will be boys at all ages and stages of life! We didn't take the camera so I'll have to post pool pictures sometime later.
We also had a family fun day this week over at
American Adventures. All of the rides are specifically for younger children, but adults can ride too. We spent about two hours there and Claxton was able to ride everything he wanted two or three times. This was his first time on a real roller coaster. He's so much braver than his mom. I was 21 or so when I finally had the courage to get on one. And I had white knuckles too. Like father, like son fearless, hands in the air and the whole bit. The trip was a success, we'll definitely be going back.
Working on getting his pilot's license

Flying Dragon

Julia had a good time just being outside and checking everything out.

I thought he was a little too young to ride this one especially since he had to ride by himself. I made sure the operator would stop it if he started crying. See the smile, I was wrong. When it stopped, we heard "again, again!"

...and here they are.

(click on picture for larger view)